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太極拳的醫學研究 Taichi and Health Care




Taichi, originated from the East hundreds of years ago, has been considered a profound and old martial art as well as an exercise. Over the centuries, it has been proved good to health, but not been able to give evidences in science and medicine until recent decades.

As preventive medicine and concept of body-mind balance gets awareness around the world, Taichi is making its waves in the West and attracting more and more people to learn and practice. Therefore, researches and studies have been done to find out how it works and why we benefit from it. With evidences revealed little by little, we are sure of its excellence in keeping body and mind health in modern society and want to share it with people.

Below is a list of articles obtained from internet that worth reading. We have abstracted and translated them into Chinese for reference. Enjoy the reading!

●太極與健康:習練太極可能給人體帶來的好處 (BBC科學節目主持人邁克爾·莫斯利醫生Michael Mosley的發現)

●Try Tai Chi - Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley

●HKUMed researchers reveal benefits of Tai Chi in reducing central obesity


太極 - 外太空的完美運動

●大家來打太極拳 (科學發展期刊 2006年5月 401期) - 呂萬安、郭正典醫師

●太極拳可幫助糖尿病患 Manage Diabetes with Taichi

●太極拳能有效預防骨質疏鬆及骨折 - 香港中文大學針對停經婦女的研究

●太極拳預防帶狀皰疹 Taichi Helps Keep Shingles at Bay in Older Folks

●太極拳對健康的助益 The Health Benefits of Taichi

●太極拳與攝護腺肥大 Tai Chi for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Quality of Life in Elderly Patients with Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

●心臟衰竭病患 太極拳可改善睡眠品質 Taichi May Help Heart Failure Patients Sleep Better


●向世界證明太極拳能緩解疼痛 - 康健雜誌198期


●為了健康 試試太極拳吧 Try Taichi for Your Health



●停經後的婦女 太極拳可維持骨密度 Taichi May Help Maintain Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women

●A Randomized Trial of Tai Chih for Fibromyalgia

五禽戲可改善纖維肌痛症患者的疼痛症狀 - 北京中醫藥大學的研究

Biomechanical Aspects of Tai Chi Chuan Countermeasure against Health Threats during Spaceflight